It is a well-known fact that juice cures hangovers. However, I would like to inform you of a startling discovery: chaa yen (thai red iced tea) also cures hangovers.
You might be wondering, what exactly is this magical substance? So I'll tell you. Chaa yen is very sugary Thai Ceylon tea, distinguishable by its red colour, poured over a glass full of ice, topped up with condensed milk. The finished product looks something like this:
It is one of the most delicious concoctions on this planet.
So this morning I woke up with my usual hungover insomnia at about 8am, having spent last night at miguel's, warm-up, discovery and some club I don't even know the name of drinking another thai classic: sangsom and coke. Eventually, by 11am I could stand it no longer and desperately needed some chaa yen and possibly a 7-11 pizza bread. I went to a bakery (passing a crowing rooster, a flood and many hyperactive builders asking me where I was going) and got some kind of suspicious looking processed meat and sugary bread combination and then strolled back down thanon suan dok, ready for a trip to Mr. Willeam, my favourite iced tea stand.
However, when I get there Mr. Willeam himself was there, but not the tea stand. He offers me food, and I politely decline, asking instead for a chaa yen. He shows me a map and tries to explain something in Thai, at which point I look completely befuddled. So instead, he pulls out a motorbike and instructs me to go with him.
Now I know that in England only a crazy person would jump on a motorbike, without a helmet, with a virtual stranger, going to an unknown destination. But this is Thailand, so that's exactly what I do. Anyway, he drives me down the road, to his office/ shop, where his wife is waiting with the tea stand. She makes me my chaa yen, and then Mr. Willeam gives me a lift to my door (well, gate, I live on a compound now cos I'm posh like that). If that isn't good customer service, I don't know what is. I'm only halfway through the chaa yen now, but already the hangover is receding. Epic win all round.
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