Saturday, August 14, 2010

Things I did in Pai on Trip no. 3 (in order)

'rufied' myself with 2 baht (4p) travel sickness pills
discovered blueberry and hazelnut flavour pringles
ate goat jerky
rode the "Pai eye" (think the London eye, but smaller, made of wood and liable to make you feel like you're about to die)
walked on the "Pai canyon" (think the Grand canyon, but smaller, made of er... sandy rock and liable to make you feel like you're about to die)
visited a place from a Thai movie, without knowing anything about said movie
swung through the trees on a zipwire (also liable to make you feel like you're about to die)
ate blood risotto rice cakes and congealed blood soup (i am the best vegetarian EVER)
drank free shots of Chinese rice wine and Burmese home-brew rice whisky
watched Xiaomei drink all of the above, plus many B52s, mojitos and "rabbits" and remain completely stone-cold sober
watched Olive suck his own sweat from his armpit in lieu of the salt for his tequila slammer
learned how to say "she is very drunk" and "i am tipsy" in Thai (thank you Ajaan Win)
heard Olive vomit into the flowerbeds
dragged Olive out of bed at 7am to go white-water rafting (He didn't make it, but I think it's for the best. He did pay 1000 baht for the non-trip though: straight Rossin')
learned the traditional thai hangover cure: drink more (you see why I love this country...)
got a mud facial
spent approximately 7 hours winding through the mountains in our VIP minibus
rufied myself with 2 baht travel sickness pills again
what a weekend.

Only in Pai...

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like a great time! i'm pretty jealous I missed it.
