Monday, July 5, 2010

America Special Day!

So this week was the first time I've ever celebrated the 4th of July, and I must say, I had a ball. For the unitiated, as far as I can make out, this is a holiday that seems to involve only binge drinking, fatty foods and fireworks. We had red, white and blue jello shots, mac 'n' cheese, vegetable kebabs (most of which didn't get eaten, too healthy), slightly burnt bratwurst, delicious potato salad from someone's mum's special recipe, and home-made burgers. And crisps. It's at this point I should make a confession - I did call them "chips". Completely accidentally. I think I'm getting sucked in...Anyway, I don't know what I enjoyed more - the party, which involved teaching some Lao professors how to play ring of fire - or the mad hours of food prep in the morning, accompanied by some hip hop classics of the 90s. But, they always say pictures speak louder than works, so I think I'll let this one (courtesy of the lovely El Bell) do the talking:


  1. BURGER. Yum. I had one for lunch.
    Also, love how you're following your own blog :P
